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Monday, August 15, 2011

Blog#1 - Autobiography

Warm-up:  I am looking forward to getting more exercise between classes. I am also looking forward to spending more time with my friends. I plan to get  more exercise because I have classes upstairs and downstairs.It's gonna be hard ,but I can do it .I am also looking forward to spend time with my friends at lunch, P.E., and between classes.I am looking forward to a great year.

Assignment#1: Josi's Autobiography
          My name is Josi,I have three cats and a dog.My birthday is July 28,2000.I am two years younger than my sister. My brother is two years younger than me. My best friend is Ashley. My grandparents have a camp down in Stevens ville.I go there sometimes in the summer.  

          My favorite hobby is sleeping.My favorite movie is soul surfer.My favorite song is He's not finished with me yet.My favorite tv show is Ant Farm.My favorite animal is a pig.My favorite pet is a dog.My favorite teacher is Mrs. Alexander.My favorite subject is literature.I love going on the computer and playing games.
          I live in a house with my sister, mother, and my step father. My step brother comes every other week from his mom. I also have a step mother. My mom and dad are divorced. Most of my family lives in Baton Rouge. Some live in Arkansas.My dad and his wife live in Homa.

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